Polyend Play Groovebox Firmware Section
- Wrong order of Custom Beat Fill tracks
- Freezing while opening specific projects made on older Play versions
- Crashing in Perform mode while using knobs
- Switching Patterns removes Notes recorded using Live Rec
- Play fails to start up (freezes on Polyend logo) after the FW update
This release brings a few critical fixes and optimizations to improve stability and avoid the frequent freezes that some of you have been experiencing.
New Features
- Memory usage optimization for general stability
- Random Freezing when previewing samples
- Freezing during export when the project contained active steps in MIDI tracks
- Freezing when using Live Rec with Chords parameter in MIDI tracks
- Corrupted samples (wrong data size in the header) could lead to random noises on the audio output
- Project backward compatibility from Play+ to Play is not supported: loading projects saved on Play+ might not work correctly. Projects created on Play and loaded on Play+ will continue to be compatible.
- Freezing when using Live Rec and turning Device (Sample) parameter to max value in MIDI tracks
- Occasional crashes when tapping the Randomize knob while switching pad presets in Perform mode when Knob Double Tap is On in config Settings
1.4.1 fixes multiple freezing issues that could occur when running Firmware 1.4
- Freezing caused by copying/pasting of MIDI tracks that extended the grid
- Occasional freezing caused by exporting stems of larger projects
- Play could freeze when using the MIDI CC Mapping menu to change the CC values
- Play could freeze when using the “Set values for Polyend Tracker” option in the MIDI CC Mapping menu followed by editing CCs in the same menu and using MIDI parameter knobs
New features
- Added Piano Roll for chord and melody visualization:
- Transforms the sequencer grid into a piano roll where notes can be selected in rows and placed on the corresponding step for MIDI and Audio Modes.
- Fill Mode added to MIDI Tracks
- New config menu to control how MIDI beat fills work. Menu > Settings > Fill Config
- Added Melody Fills: Chord and Bass.
- New smart melody randomizer Fill Type: Random +
- New randomization algorithm with randomized notes.
- New MIDI Chord inversions:
- Accessible by pressing Shift while turning the Chord Knob (for all chords except Power 4th/5th)
- Knob parameters for work steps are now saved when switching between MIDI and Audio
- Wrong transients between Audio Steps with different Volumes
- Filter was not being applied to the first delay tap*
- Wrong notes in Power 4th/5th and Augmented MIDI Chords**
*This will change the sound of repeats on previous projects.
**This will change the voicing of Power and Augmented MIDI Chords on previous projects.
Using the Piano Roll
- To enter the piano roll select multiple tracks and hold down the view button. Selected tracks must have the same length, speed and swing parameters.
- Each row in Piano Roll represents a note of the selected scale with root note(s) highlighted in pink.
- The number of notes that can be activated on a grid column is equal to the number of selected tracks
- Tap Shift quickly to select or deselect all active steps
- Variations and Step Pages in Piano Roll are synchronized for all selected tracks. (If one piano roll track changed to 64 steps, all tracks in the piano roll will be 64 steps.)
- The length of a MIDI step is reflected on the Piano Roll grid.
Please make sure you’ll read the Play 1.4.0 Installation Guide to access all new features.
New features
- Steps and Tracks can now be copied and pasted between Audio and MIDI.
- Improved assignment of MIDI CCs to control external devices. MIDI Learn Improvements:
- When Note = No Note and playback is stopped: MIDI CCs are sent out (previewed) individually so that the external MIDI receiver can learn them.
Important: Playback must be stopped for MIDI learn to work properly. - MIDI Pitchbend resets to 0 after stopping the sequence (if it was used).
- MIDI Program Change messages are now sent per MIDI channel instead of per MIDI track.
- MIDI channels for note input are now configurable in the MIDI menu.
- Lost MIDI clock data is now detectable and an onscreen message when using MIDI Clock In and MIDI Clock data is lost.
- MIDI parameter values are reset to default when switching MIDI Channel.
- When Note = No Note and playback is stopped: MIDI CCs are sent out (previewed) individually so that the external MIDI receiver can learn them.
- Stopped triggering notes with “No Note” value when using Scales combined with Repeats, Chance, and Chords in MIDI tracks.
- Scale filter was not applied to Broken and Fixed repeat types in MIDI tracks.
- Humanize Chance action was only sending negative values.
- MIDI PC messages are now sent after switching patterns.
- Double-tapping Chance, Repeat, Chord, Note Length parameters in MIDI tracks now goes to default values instead of empty values (which caused playback issues).
- Song Tempo changes were not applied to next pattern if playback was running.
- MIDI Out Jack no longer stops working after prolonged use.
- Tank / Alien repeats in MIDI tracks now match the behavior in Audio tracks. Note: this may make some tracks sound different when using Tank/Alien with MIDI.
- Bit Depth parameter in MIDI tracks sends only CC values 4-16 (fixed to full range 0-127).
- Notes no longer hang when using Note parameter and MIDI Clock In is external.
- MacOS metadata files with “_” are now hidden and ignored when browsing and loading files on Play (samples, projects, fills).
- Previewing notes during MIDI live recording now play back at the proper Note Length.
- Overlapping notes on the same port/channel will all receive Note Off MIDI messages.
New features
Global Master FX are now customizable.
- Reverb custom settings with parameters (on a scale of 0 – 100)
- damping
- size
- diffusion
- predelay
- Delay custom settings with parameters
- sync rate: 8 – 1/32
- feedback: 0 – 100
- ping pong: on/off
- ping pong ratio: 0.500 – 1.000 (by every 0.005)
- filter frequency 0Hz – 22000Hz (by every 20Hz)
- Equalizer (EQ array: -11,75dB – 12.00dB)
- EQ 115 Hz
- EQ 330Hz
- EQ 990Hz
- EQ 3000Hz
- EQ 9900Hz
- Bass Boost (scale: 0 – 100)
- Space (scale: 0 – 8)
- Limiter
- Attack: 0.05ms – 10.00ms (by every 0.05)
- Release: 5ms – 5000ms (by every 5ms)
- Side chain: on/off
- Sidechain channel: Track 1 – Track 8
To Edit Master FX enter the MasterFX view (Shift + View) and select “Custom Parameters” to edit the effects settings. Then set the desired effect to “Custom”.
New features
- Export files to SD card. Options for master or individual track export, current pattern or whole pattern chain.
- New sample pack: House pack.
- New sample pack: Tech House pack.
- 50 additional Beat Fills: Always Different, Always Late, Autumn Fall, Backtrack, Bicycle Fail, Break It, Cat Hat, Crocko, Destroyson, Driller, Drowner, Dubzap, Fade In, Fast Walker, Fill It, Half Life, Hat Trick, Hi-Hat Uzi, Hitman, Intelektual, Jump Up, Jumpy, Kick It, Look up, Market Beat, Melty, Metal Hits, Mind Glowing, Nice Break, Oh Wait, Pattern Break, Pitcher, Playing Funny, Rewind, Ridge Racer, Robot Drum, Sewers, Slow Down, Snaresky, Spaciality, Spill That, Step Up, Swing It, Swoosh, Take It, Think, Tin, Too Basic, Two People, Way Too Late.
- Sample Management improvement: delete all unused samples in the project.
- Align and improve different Quick Copy workflows for Patterns, Variations, Step Pages and Steps.
- New look of Variations page. Variations are now represented with following colors: Active variation – orange, available variation – yellow, empty variation – dark yellow.
- New look for Patterns page. Empty patterns are represented in a dimmed green color.
- Send MIDI clock & transport out to both DIN/Jack and USB simultaneously.
- New setting to allow for knob sample preview when playback is running, stopped or both.
- Saved session is cleared when switching track variation or pattern.
- Workflow improvement: sample playback using the internal keyboard or external MIDI note now works when a track is selected.
- Workflow Improvement: always use Shift to transpose notes via internal View keyboard or external MIDI Notes In. The internal view keyboard and external MIDI note input will not transpose a sample or samples unless shift is held. If a note is selected without holding shift the sample will be previewed without transposing the selected step.
- Fixed display to update parameters after switching variations.
- Fixed multiple variation copy and display bugs.
- Fixed multiple issues with saving and recalling sessions.
- Fixed crash when deleting a folder during playback and preview.
- Applying random sample actions can now be heard in preview.
- Velocity using an external MIDI keyboard is now recorded.
- Improved MIDI clock timing.
- Changing MIDI note to “no note” no longer locks the note input.
- Multiple steps are no longer modified all at once in live record mode with overdub off.
Important behavior change for projects using Bit Depth
Please be aware that because of some necessary changes in the audio processing path, the sound of existing projects using Bit Depth can now considerably change in regard to this effect and the way it interacts with the Volume parameter. The Bit Depth processing was moved to another point in the audio path, and with exactly the same parameter settings in 1.0 firmware, certain projects may result in different sounds in the 1.0.1 firmware.
Bug Fixes
- While editing all selected MIDI CC step values per track, instead of the desired value, different gradually incrementing values were applied.
- While live recording CC values to steps in MIDI sequencing mode, random values were appearing in the second displayed parameter.
- General project memory management improvements.
- There was an issue in the Patterns mode, where when you Saved the Project in the File menu function key, the currently active/selected pattern was not saved properly.
- The existing variations with an index higher than the Track Length value were not possible to switch to (eg. Track Length set to 4 was making it impossible to select an existing variation 5 and above).
- Selecting variations with Shift were selecting the track steps “below” on the same pads.
- Double tap reset of the track length values (set from 16 to 1, and back to 16) was not updating/revealing the steps displayed on the grid.
- Double tap reset of the selected track parameter was not saved to the current pattern and there was no possibility of undo function for this action.
- Double tap reset of the project and track tempo changes were not displayed on the screen.
- No Undo pop-up info text was displayed after using the Undo function for the Track Speed and/or Track Swing.
- Track’s Step Page was not updating after using the Undo function for the Track Length.
- Certain play modes were blocking the switching of variations during playback.
- Switching variations were not possible when the Micromove value of the first step of the track was negative.
- The device would sometimes crash/freeze on live recording automation of the Sample parameter.
- The Quick Copy of a pattern with variations was not working correctly in certain cases.
- With certain Filter settings used, while samples overlapping, some audio glitches were audible.
- Audio clicks were audible in the Perform mode when toggling on/off Filter presets.
- Audio glitches were audible on switching variations during playback.
- Sometimes variations would have invalid parameter data after quick copying or initialization which could lead to the unit crashing.
- In certain cases changing parameters via knobs wouldn’t update the display.
- Specific Clock and Notes Input settings were causing the crash of certain DAWs.
- We’ve noticed some general performance issues of the instrument on very high tempo values. This is now fixed by limiting the project’s max BPM to 400. The previously created projects will load correctly, but it’s not possible to set the tempo to higher than 400 BPM anymore.
- Previewing sample with the use of the View note input controller was cutting sequenced audio events on the first track.
- MIDI smart-thru was sending the note-off messages too early. This caused that releasing one note in a chord was also killing all other used notes too. Both use the View controller or any MIDI gear used.
- Externally MIDI clocked Play’s sequencer was skipping steps with the Swing parameter set to 70% and above, at 1/1 Track Speed. This behavior was improved but It will still skip steps at faster Track Speeds with certain higher Swing settings.
- Sample Preview was clicking when starting preview of a new sample while the previous has not finished yet.