Tracker Firmware
Added features, improvements, and bug fixes. Check the Tracker’s currently installed firmware version on the splash screen at startup.
Changes from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1
This Tracker firmware hotfix addresses two critical issues:
- Line In audio crackles when playback is running
- OFF messages are not placed correctly during Live-Recording
Changes from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0
New Features
- Pattern extension with 4 additional MIDI tracks
- MIDI can now be sequenced on 12 tracks in total
- Partially fulfilling the wish: 8 tracks of MIDI and 8 tracks of audio
- Added Destination to each FX Description dialog window
- Instrument Synthesizer functionality (on Instrument Parameters/Effects screen) was renamed to Instrument MIDI Mapping to differentiate from actual Synth instruments in the Tracker+
- Changing Patterns or switching between the Perform and Pattern pages caused Pattern 0 to load
- Restarting the unit did not save the changed Track names along with the Project
- Disappearing of the steps after using specific Fill Notes settings or scales while navigating through the Pattern Editor. Additionally, in this state, it was sometimes impossible to manually edit pattern steps, and it could cause freezing
- Rendering the selection on the Pattern page resulted in a long silence at the end of the sample
- The Render Selection feature in the pattern editor has been redesigned to create a sharp cut at the start and end of the selection. This contrasts with the Export Song/Pattern function, which retains the old behavior and keeps the tails of samples and effects. If you want to include the tails when rendering, simply extend the selection accordingly
- Pressing Sample Recorder and then Sample Editor during playback disabled the Cancel screen button
- Pattern length FX in Perform mode did not function properly when set to a value of 128 steps. It reverted the number of steps to the original value
- Hanging MIDI Notes while using pads and external keyboards
Changes from 1.7.1 to 1.8.0
New features:
- Improved Snap to zero algorithm with higher threshold to detect zero crossings (*)
- Extended sample recording time to the maximum length that can fit the sample memory
- Around 133 seconds
- Using Shift with the encoder makes bigger changes in parameter values
- Added a third page of parameters on the Pattern editor with:
- Pattern naming
- Track naming
- Beta Import Mod / Export As .it
- This feature from Tracker 1.6 was brought back to life
- Updated Config / “Line-in channel” parameter description
- Info menu with Licenses page added to the Config menu
- Various cosmetic and functional UI improvements
- When FX2 was used on Track 8 in the Pattern editor the cursor was jumping to Track 1 or disappearing
- Freeze when importing multiple samples at once that go over the 48-instrument limit
- Freeze when exporting Song/Pattern/Stems with very long reverb/delay tails
- The previous pattern looped in Play Song mode when the next pattern was empty and longer
- Sometimes samples were cropped after loading older projects (Tracker OG version 1.6 or older)
- Freeze when scrolling the Radio frequencies in the Sample Recorder
- Freeze when trying to preview 0s length range while importing a sample
- Crash when receiving MIDI MMC stop message in Perform mode in case tracks/patterns are scheduled to switch
- Roll FX: RV, Rv sounded like simple R when placed on steps without a note
- Very short samples (single cycle) sometimes didn’t play/loop when Snap to zero=On
- Sometimes samples didn’t play until the end when Snap to zero=On
- Wrong values were displayed in the Fill FX Value menu for LFO FX Types
- Pressing the button below Memory in Sample Loader repeated the last action (delete or insert) on the selected Instrument(s)
- Usability issues with Preview and Preview Vol in Sample Loader
- Perform effect Volume didn’t affect MIDI notes: now it controls MIDI Velocity
- Live Recording stopped working after deleting a sequence in Pattern Editor
- Sample waveform was having cosmetic glitches at maximum zoom level in Sample Recorder
- Various cosmetic issues
- Wrong button labels were shown in the Sample Loader screen after switching pages from the Import window during playback
Breaking changes:
(*) Old projects using Snap to zero = On might have their Start/End/Loop/Slice points in Sample Playback realigned by the new detection algorithm. This does not affect Wavetable and Granular engines.
Removed Features:
- Outdated Manual and Credits menus were removed from the Config menu
Installation guide:
- Download and extract the firmware file
- Copy the .ptf firmware file to your Tracker SD card > Firmware folder
- Optional: save your current project to avoid any potential data loss
- Navigate to Config > Firmware > Update Firmware > .ptf file
- Press Select and confirm with Yes
- Navigate to File > create New Project to correctly initialize Config settings
Changes from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1
- Randomly freezing during playback with buzzing sound at the output
- Occasionally Envelopes in Instrument Automation are skipped (not triggered) during playback
- Playhead in Import window runs slower than audio playback after moving End point
- Time counter in header (0m:00s) runs slower than real time
- Tap Tempo function is not accurately calculating the tapped tempo
Installation guide:
- Download and extract the firmware file
- Copy the .ptf firmware file to your Tracker SD card > Firmware folder
- Optional: save your current project to avoid any potential data loss
- Navigate to Config > Firmware > Update Firmware > .ptf file
- Press Select and confirm with Yes
- Navigate to File > create New Project to correctly initialize Config settings
Changes from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0
New features:
- New File and Project management
- Extended project filename length to support 32 characters
- Saturation modes on Master audio channel
- Extra headroom mode in Project Settings
- Snap to zero crossing in Project Settings
- Detection of zero crosspoint in Sample Playback: start/end/slice markers turn green when set to points with amplitude 0
- Metronome and Metronome Config in Sample Recorder
- Preview Volume for samples from SD card in Sample Loader
- Improved Equalizer in Sample Editor
- Improved Limiter in Sample Editor
- Improved Compressor in Sample Editor
- Add Empty Slot in Song Mode
- Copy patterns in Song Mode
- When using arrow keys to navigate Qwerty keyboard, the focus key now wraps around the edges of the keyboard
- Build number displayed in Config > Firmware menu
- In Pattern editor each FX value is now represented with one pad only (instead of multiple pads)
- Improved Internal and MIDI clock stability and minimized jitter
- Redesigned ‘Clock sync correction’ parameter in MIDI config
- Note: correction is applied once only after restarting playback
- New pattern and step Numbering modes in Config
- Options for starting at 0, 1, or hexadecimal
- Pattern (on pad matrix) or track (in Song page) are now marked as non-empty when containing any of the following:
- Note
- Instrument
- FX1 / FX2
- MIDI Channel or CC
- Updated text instructions in Config > Firmware update page
- Added access to the Instrument Synthesizer page in Instrument Parameters > More
- New behavior when receiving external MIDI Clock/Transport on Song page
- Song will start from the slot that contains the currently loaded pattern after the position which was last played. If the currently loaded pattern is not part of the song, a popup “Load pattern from song first” will appear.
- General UI improvements:
- New Pattern arrangement Config setting: Vertical revolver
- Sample Recorder: The physical Rec button starts/stops the recording
- Many other subtle visual changes of controls, colors and layout
- New Games page design: added exit (…) option, description and changed button layout
- When using Filter in Delay effect, the first tap is not affected by the filter (1)
- Granular Loop plays higher pitch when it goes outside sample boundaries (start/end) (2)
- Reducing sound artifacts (clicks, pops) in audio signals especially when using Volume, Panning and Filter Cutoff Instrument Automation / FX or generally rapidly changing of Volume, Panning or Filter Cutoff (3)
- Crash when opening Note and Instruments menus in Sample Recorder
- In Instrument Synthesizer mode Tracker not responding to CCs assigned to Delay Send correctly
- Instrument volume set to -24.00 dB gives silent output
- Projects saved with long filenames are not displayed in browser and can’t be opened
- FX named Random FX (x) value changed to symbol x instead of f to distinguish it from MIDI CC F (f)
- Metronome getting distorted with Volume settings above 50
- LFO FX (g/h/j/k/l) value not corresponding with Instruments Automation LFO Speed values
- When inputting FX values using the pads in to the pattern, the values go out of sync (lagging behind, skipped)
- Various cosmetic text issues in Config menu and FX >> Description popup
- Pattern or track marked as empty when containing note only on the last step
- Panning FX (P) issue when used together with Roll FX (R) : panning was only applied on the first hit of the roll
- Issues with macOS metadata files: now hidden and ignored when browsing or loading files (samples, projects, mods, games, firmware)
- Bottom row on Instrument Synthesizer screen visually cut off
- Tracker song/tempo stops randomly at tempo change using Random Tempo FX
- When using Random FX Value (f) on Tempo (T) FX TSTP tempo value which would stop the sequence is excluded from randomization parameters.
Breaking changes:
Following fixes will make previous projects/instruments using Granular sample playback, Filter in Delay, and Volume/Panning/Cutoff Instrument Automation/FX sound different:
- (1) Granular: when Position is close to the start/end of the sample it will result in different playback output, focused on maintaining the instrument pitch.
- (2) Delay: first tap of the delayed signal is now filtered but also the perceived duration of all echos, as they start getting filtered earlier, they will also fade out earlier.
- (3) Volume, Panning, and Filter Cutoff Instrument Automation / FX: Occasionally these introduced audio artifacts to transients like clicks and pops which might have been aesthetically desirable, but will now be smoothed out and reduced.
Removed features:
- Mod and .it files no longer supported: Import Mod / Export As .it options removed from File menu
Installation guide:
- Download and extract the firmware file.
- Copy the .ptf firmware file to your Tracker SD card > Firmware folder
- Optional: save your current project to avoid any potential data loss
- Navigate to Config > Firmware > Update Firmware > .ptf file
- Press Select and confirm with Yes
- Navigate to File > create New Project to correctly initialize Config settings
Changes from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0
New features:
- New Delay (now with longer Feedback and added Filter).
- Improved looks (new font, with an option to select Original/New in the Config menu).
- New bright Monochrome display theme.
- Faster pattern increment/decrement in Song mode when using the Shift + Jog Wheel keys.
- MIDI Synth Mode (press the Shift + Instrument Parameters keys shortcut to enter, check the manual for more information).
- Added option to export .pti instrument samples to wave files.
- Reworked onboard quick manual by SynthDawg, and additional sample pack from Recue (both require updating the SD card content).
Bug Fixes:
- Delay sync wasn’t working correctly when the MIDI Clock input was set to USB source.
- In a specific case of use, the delay was clicking on an external MIDI clock, not anymore.
- Sample Editor was able to break Sidechain in certain circumstances, this is now fixed.
- There was a Fill Instruments ‘To’ name scrolling issue which is now fixed.
- The Fill function was causing the screen to flash, not anymore.
- Tracker was freezing after sample export.
- Inconsistent shading on value sliders is now fixed.
- Typo in effect description is now fixed.
- LFO was causing issues, but not anymore.
- Freezes in Sample Recorder while using FM radio are now fixed.
- Weird behavior of instrument preview in specific cases was fixed.
- Issues with pads and keys freezing should not appear anymore.
- The tracking line in Song mode was disappearing until the pattern ends after going to Performance mode.
- The jog-wheel steering software issue is now fixed.
- The sample Import Screen glitch is now fixed.
- Glitchy / Stuttering instrument name scroll is now fixed.
- Audio input option was missing from the config.
- Kerning in rename page text field was making it hard to read.
- Open/Save logic is now improved.
- Pattern length was stuck when in perform/song mode.
- Performance mode issues were occurring in certain scenarios.
- Pads were always playing MIDI 01 notes in the Sample Recorder and Save dialogue.
- Export Song Stems was causing glitch on the master WAV files in certain circumstances.
- Switch from loop mode to song mode in the Performance mode was muting effects, not anymore.
- The MIDI Instrument label in Horizontal mode was improperly displayed [M0 instead of M01 in Horizontal].
- The Tempo step Fx’s description was given in % instead of BPM, this is now corrected.
- Redesigned Game mode key assignment (bottom button labels and pad display).
- Hexadecimal mode inconsistencies in the Performance screen are now fixed.
- Rendering with an external clock was causing the Tracker to freeze, not anymore.
- Editing of MIDI CCs + setting CC 1 while restoring default values of MIDI instruments CC is now fixed.
- The “Pattern top info” Pattern was off by 1 when in Hex mode, not anymore.
- Sample Loader Issues related to sample preview are now fixed.
Changes from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0
New Features:
- Tracker can now save separate instruments with all their settings. This allows importing those instruments to other projects you’re working on.
- You can now select slices in sample playback Beat Slice mode by pressing the corresponding pads.
- The “Step” function button label in Pattern Editor is now labeled “Step jump”.
Bug Fixes:
- Incorrect Fill range in certain settings is now fixed,
- Sample recorder wasn’t recording if MIDI chord was playing.
- Un-deletable instrument after loading project from the previous version is now fixed.
- 1.5.0b1 regression: samples could be normalized to 0 after adding a new sample to the song.
- Fixed freeze after changing granular LFO settings.
- Bringing up the Instruments popup on the Tracker screen occasionally resulted in a flickering screen.
- Slice fill effect counted “From” and “To” ranges incorrectly.
- Tracker mixer’s visual performance is now better.
- Removing OFF events revealed a left-over MIDI instrument on the track.
- Beat slices weren’t fully displaying.
- “Render Selection” was sometimes inconsistent.
- Horizontal view mode edits weren’t always refreshing correctly on-screen.
- Sample preview in Sample Recorder was sometimes distorted.
- Volume of fast rolls was increasing on the last step of a pattern.
- TSTP FX is not anymore interfering with song export.
- Tempo FX values below 40 were treated as T40,
- Current playing pattern wasn’t always in sync with highlighted song slot on the Song screen.
- Sidechain limiter stopped working after playing sound in Sample Editor/Sample Recorder.
- Active Reverb was cut when Sample Recorder was entered, even if “No” was selected.
- Subtle Limiter attack and release sounded too short after device restart.
- Changing radio region to Japanese didn’t apply until device restart.
- Part of the “Additional Info” bar was clearing when moving between Pattern Editor and other screens,
- Using Shift+Up to select contents of the current track selected all tracks instead when sequencer was running.
Changes from 1.3.1 to 1.4.0
New Features:
- Horizontal pattern edit mode.
- MIDI out latency compensation (available as a MIDI Instrument Parameter).
- Mono support for Line In passthrough.
- Performance Mode now plays through the entire song (Shift+Play on Perform screen to toggle looping without stopping playback).
- You can now switch between Perform screen and Instrument Parameters without resetting the performance, allowing for even more live, modulation.
- New step FX: Arp.
- New step FX: Slide.
- New step FX: gate length (note length shorter than a step).
- New step FX: Swing.
- “Stop” is available in Tempo step FX.
- Line In passthrough now supports Delay and Reverb sends.
- The Transport bar is now more compact, showing both the loop/song playback status and whether the Performance mode is active.
- Transport bar is now also visible in the Pattern screen.
- “Tune” FX in Performance mode now also works for MIDI notes.
- The Tap tempo now requires 4 taps.
- Allow selecting “middle C” for MIDI out.
- Japanese radio frequencies are now supported.
Bug Fixes:
- Improved audio latency.
- Mixer RMS meters weren’t working on panning -50 (max left).
- Stem export uses proper panning.
- Some CC parameter changes on MIDI Instrument Parameters caused white screen flashes.
- TAP tempo now works for tempo >= 60 BPM.
- Pattern numbers on Perform screen only reset when the pattern changes during song playback.
- Renaming tracks with Rec on the Track Mixer screen was flickering when Shift was pressed.
- Wrong song slot highlighted for playback when “Continue Song” was selected in edit mode on Song screen.
- Freeze in MIDI “Note in” selection in Config.
- Toggling off the device without an SD card inserted can be now done with the Power Off button,
- Switching from Perform to other screens while the sequencer isn’t running is now turning off performance mode immediately.
- Switching tracks in Perform mode now keeps them in sync when the newly selected track has a shorter length than the previous one.
- Further decreased screen flashing when some CC parameters are changed on MIDI Instrument Parameters.
- Fixed pressing “loop pattern”/”continue song” sometimes causing the display and the playing pattern to be out of sync.
- Fixed sequential pattern switching on Pattern screen (Fn Key 1 + Right) causing wrong patterns to load when engaged during the last step of the pattern.
- Improved randomness in the auto naming generator tool.
Behavior Change:
- MTP file transfer functionality is disabled until further notice due to reliability issues with the supporting third-party library.
Fixes from 1.3.0 to 1.3.2
- Added dedicated pad display for beat slice instruments.
- Added a way to exit games selection without rebooting the device.
- Sent MIDI notes were hanging when a sample instrument was used without an explicit Note OFF.
- Sent MIDI notes were hanging on track Mute.
- Real-time microtiming recording was always putting “m02”.
- Deleting unused samples wasn’t working if Sample 1 was unused as well.
- There was high-pitched noise on Medium and Low display brightness settings.
- Held keyboard key speed was too fast.
- Solo labels could get stuck.
- Edits on the Song screen could crash the device when switching to Pattern Editor.
- Undo actions on the Song screen now more predictable with 10 levels of undo.
- Correct stem alignment for tracks beginning with silence.
- Offline song export is now 20% faster and usually faster than wall clock song time.
- Offline stem export now takes around ~2x wall clock song time.
- Drastically improved tempo accuracy in song and stem export.
- Properly reset performance screen after “Continue song” is used.
- Fill mode with a beat slice: lighted pads now correspond to slices.
- Notes played with an external controller in Pattern Editor no longer get stuck.
- Notes played with an external controller now use constant velocity if “Velocity” is not enabled in Recording Options.
- Notes played with an external controller passed to a MIDI Instrument are now velocity-sensitive.
- Protect against pressing “Backspace” accidentally and resetting very low master volume to 0.0 dB.
- MIDI Out messages should not be emitted during offline song export.
- Crashes in Song Mode when using an external MIDI clock.
- Sustained notes were not looping properly.
- Tempo was resetting to 130 BPM after the restart.
- Slices which were already written on pattern shift after changing root note.
- Sample rendering was having an invalid length on pattern change.
- Selection rendering was containing garbled Line In audio.
- Micromove + roll was glitching in certain combinations.
- Samples were getting replaced by white noise after cropping in certain scenarios.
- Pattern selection behavior after releasing and pressing Shift again is now fixed.
- There were errors in scales: melodic minor, blues major, Todi, Gypsy minor, not anymore.
- Auto naming function was not adjusting text selection.
- Panning in Line In stereo was reversed.
- There were duplicated notes in the Fill range.
- Some button labels were stuck when switching back and forth between Instrument Effects and Parameters screens.
- Always select Column first when Shift+Up was used at the top of the pattern.
- Fixed pattern length handling when clearing tracks on 128-step patterns.
- Fixed visual glitch in Song screen when changing active slots in green mode.
- Allow switching between live rec and edit without stopping transport.
- While “Preview Track” was running on the Song screen, the first Stop button didn’t work.
- Fixed unresponsive Instrument Effects parameter editor after hot switching instruments.
- Fixed input of notes via Note button popup.
- Fixed freeze after re-entering Config screen when a config option was changed but not confirmed.
Changes from 1.2.2 to 1.3.0
Firmware Release Highlights
New MIDI I/O functionalities:
- Per step MIDI Chords.
- MIDI Microtune step Fx.
- Performance mode is now controllable via MIDI input.
- Master mixer levels are now controllable via MIDI input.
- Tracker can now be configured to send 6 distinct MIDI CCs per MIDI channel.
- Added support for sending MIDI channel aftertouch and polyphonic aftertouch.
- MIDI instruments in Pattern mode can now be present without a note (specify which MIDI channel to send CC).
- MIDI delay compensation for external clock sources in Config.
Overall enhancements and workflow refinements:
- Tune step Fx.
- Track Arm Recording.
- Live Audio Line Input Monitoring is now available during song playback.
- Long Sample Importing.
- Lo-quality Importing (saves sample pool memory time).
- Purge unused samples.
- Timestretch Fx in Sample Editor.
- Bit depth available as step and Performance Fx’s.
- Transpose octaves by turning the Jog-wheel with Shift in note editing.
- Enhanced Pattern Fill command: Euclidean fills, density setting in Random fills.
- Rewritten from scratch rendering mechanism.
New sound sculpting possibilities:
- 5-band master EQ.
- Bass booster.
- Stereo enhancer.
- Updated Limiter with gain reduction meter.
- Line Input can now be a Sidechain source for the Limiter.
Onboard games are now available to catch a breather from a hard day of music-making.
- Polyend Tracker v1.3.0 firmware update is required to run the games.
- Games will be accessible from the Files menu.
- Use the on/off button to exit a game.
Please save your active project before upgrading firmware.
Changes from 1.2.0 to 1.2.2
- Increased sequencer tempo accuracy.
- Improved performance of MPT file transfer.
- Improved file memory management in Sample Loader.
- Tracker was freezing in Song mode under certain circumstances.
- Sample loader crash when accessing a folder with .wav in its name.
- Select Instrument was getting disabled after using Jog-wheel in step record.
- The imported .mod files had an incorrect Fx mapping.
- Recorded microtiming was incorrectly quantized.
Changes from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0
- Added pattern Copy/Paste, Undo/Redo, Duplicate, Expand and Shrink actions from the Screen buttons level in the Pattern section.
- Hold down the Pattern screen button in the Pattern mode to see the occupied patterns as lit up pads.
- Group step selecting and preview in the Pattern view is now available in the green mode.
- Mute labels in the Pattern view when Shift is pressed.
- Track renaming is now possible.
- Added automatic sample conversion algorithm in the Sample Loader.
- Confirmation popup for instrument replace & delete actions in the Sample Loader section.
- Completely rebuilt Sample Loader section.
- Implemented sample “de-clicking” algorithm.
- Added Overdrive real-time effect (both in Instrument Parameres and as a “D” Step Fx).
- Added EQ Fx in Sample Editor section.
- Added Overdrive Fx in Sample Editor section.
- Added Fade In/Out Fx functions in Sample Editor section.
- Added Normalizer Fx in the Sample Editor section got moved to the top of the list.
- New slower LFO speed values (all but Amp): 48, 64, 96, 128 were added.
- Added tempo tap function.
- Change the BPM value in decimal values (0.1) with the Shift key pressed.
- Press and hold the Tempo screen button to edit the BPM (this will prevent accidental tempo changes).
- In the Song mode, it’s now possible to switch between the Play Pattern and Play Song without stopping the sequence.
- Updated Song mode interface. A Green mode was added where the screen scrolls with the timeline and the Red mode for edition.
- Added playback mode icons in the sections top bars (headers).
- Implemented MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) which basically lets you browse the files and folders stored on your SD card from a computer level.
- Limit of 100 files per folder behaviour is changed. The Tracker will automatically divide folders carrying more than 100 files into subfolders.
- Added two new Master screens for per track, reverb & delay, dry mix volume levels with mute & solo in full range.
- Added ability to raise the volume above 0 dB using Gain, both for instruments and mixer.
- Track volume, Reverb and Delay Send Fx values are now displayed in dB.
- Master volume is now global, not per project.
- The notes/instruments used in the pattern sequences can be now visually displayed on the grid of pads (Config function).
- Sequence step enumeration is now available in decimal or hexadecimal values as a Config choice.
- Visual updates in the Config and introductory descriptions for the featured functions.
- New Config setting for Send Fx’s: Post-fader/Pre-fader selection.
- New Config setting for master Limiter Fx: Subtle/Hard selection.
- Added sample anti-aliasing on/off toggle switch in the Config.
- Firmware files are now being sorted by the version number.
- Added Reset Config function in the Firmware section.
- It’s now possible to play pads and use the sequencer over the MIDI output in the Sample Recorder section.
- New external MIDI recording options in Config – only notes/velocity/microtiming/velocity+microtiming.
- Start/Stop live recording without stopping the sequencer.
- Added new Custom Pattern Play mode with ten variations in the Performance section.
- Implemented Green/Red mode in the Performance section.
Changes from 1.0.5 to 1.1.0
- High-quality Reverb is now implemented.
- Implemented sample anti-aliasing in all the play modes.
- Sequential/Immediate pattern change actions in the Performance mode unified with the Pattern mode.
- Fixed bug with notes skipping randomly.
- Adjusted precision of the limiter.
- Improved audio rendering and .it files export.
- Track number is now greyed out when muted.
- Increased resolution in the Granular play mode display.
- Added hold and preview for long samples in Sample Loader.
- General user interface and instrument stability improvements.
- Added metronome with a pre-roll function and a choice of time signatures.
- Press of a Play button in the Song mode will trigger the entire composition.
- General MIDI improvements incl. MIDI timecode and ext. clock optimisations.
- Use home in the Song mode for an immediate jump to the top of your composition.
Changes from 1.0.0 to 1.0.5
- Fixed bug which was stopping voices when transitioning between Song and Instrument Parameters.
- Fixed bug monophonic step recording produces double notes.
- Fixed bug which froze the Tracker while selection rendering.
- Fixed bug when the step preview was not always working.
- Fixed bug with random audio output artifacts.
- General MIDI improvements and bug fixes.
- General performance improvements.
- Improved text input.
- Random shape S&H LFO type added.
- Normalizer fx added in the Sample Editor.
- Record chords in the horizontal selection.
- Song mode view is now indicating which tracks are muted.
- Improved MIDI instrument recording, editing, and previewing.
- Undo/Redo in pattern mode – undo key + left/right/jog-wheel.
- The Delete key sets the default values of the most available parameters.
- Correct patterns with different lengths in the Performance mode playback.
- Use pads playback in Sample Loader (from SD with base pitch only, from sample pool – pitched).
- Use Length and Step + left/right buttons to change the values with predefined values (1,2,4,8 etc).
- Sample load, delete, copy operations in the Sample Loader are now possible while the sequencer is running,
Tracker SD Content
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