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Alison Ma: A Trick

"You can actually get to SEE everything that's going on sequencing-wise with the Tracker. And I love this thing for ideas. With the bidirectional MIDI, it lets you sync up with my modular system to Live. This makes editing super easy? EVERYTHING aligns!"

“I especially enjoy sequencing my modular synth by sending MIDI out from multiple Tracker channels. I am aware of the Poly 2 module’s existence. But I have currently been using Ableton Live 11’s CV tools along with an audio interface to receive/send MIDI/CV. My favorite part of the sequencer is the random fill capability and pattern/song mode because it gives me lots of new ideas to work with. But also maintains a high level of user controllability. This is something I find lacking in other sequencers where randomness and controllability are roughly mutually exclusive. When you are unable to structure a song on a holistic level. And access to multiple voices is not as intuitive e.g. a DAW. Let alone looping/sequencing multiple voices for generative music. I find that the Tracker strikes an amazing balance here and fills the gap in my modular system! Finally, I love the incorporation of bidirectional MIDI for syncing up various software/hardware. Currently, I enjoy clocking the Tracker and thus all my modules to Live’s tempo, which greatly simplifies my audio editing process.”

“I enjoy using the Tracker as a sequencer more than recording into it mostly because of the lack of sample rate options, stereo recording/playback capability, and lossy audio effects. Regardless, sampling into the Tracker is quite an easy and intuitive process, one of my favorite things about it. I also love the tactility the Tracker gives me with the various wavetable/granular synthesis options but would most likely use it by recording the Line Out into my DAW as I play with the synthesizer parameters.”

Made by Alison Ma.