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Munero: Station Flutter

"This piece was made in the 'Shinkansen' train to Tokyo and all the way back to my hometown."

“The Tracker music computer helps me find new creative paths. I just put any samples and sound ideas into it, then sequence and spice it all up using the step fx. I can build and grow up my musical ideas easily with it! I find it refreshing to step out from the comfort zone of my own studio sometimes, and this is an instrument that I can take out with me, anywhere.

I write the score for chamber music now. Maybe I’ll use this sketch for writing 8 lines of melodies for synthetic chamber music with synth polyphony? In any way, this is definitely giving me a lot of fun!”


Music composer and guitarist who explored many kinds of music from rock, blues, jazz, funk, experimental, acid folk, to ambient and drone moods.

Recently released an ambient music album ‘The Book Of Pictorial Records’ available on Bandcamp.
