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Rumbelo Music: Long Time Lurker

"I’ve had the Polyend Tracker for a while now and just never posted anything with it because I was honestly kind of self-conscious."

“It’s such a different feel for me a didn’t think I was making anything I was willing to show people. I’d enjoy messing with it. But it didn’t feel like I made anything worthwhile. I just didn’t gel with it in a way that I felt comfortable sharing what I came up with on the Tracker.

But then I go back and listen to projects I do on it and I’m like ‘why didn’t I think this was good enough again?’ I guess that’s a general lesson. A lot of self-doubt and critique can fall away when you put a little time between it and yourself.”

Note from Polyend. Keep going, you’re heading a great directory. Hope this post will keep your confidence up a little!


Indie musician in Northeast AL. Makes music & videos, & videos of music.

